chapter 11

                                              Aslan is nearer
Edmund meanwhile had been having a disappointing time. Meanwile dwarf prepared sled and White Witch whit Edmund and wolfs fly out to Beavers dam. But they found nothing, and queen ordered to find them by smell. Edmund didn't eat, but then White Witch turned to him such a terrible face he immediately started eat. While he eated dwarf came back and announced that the sledge was ready. At first time Edmund was not so happy because he realized that Witch is bad and cruel. But after few moment Edmund felt that the weather was not so cold as before.

 Imagine you are Edmund in CHAPTER 11 -- how do you feel when you see all the changes in nature? Are you afraid of Aslan? Why/why not? How do you react to the White Witch's behaviour?

If I will be Edmund I afraid Aslan becouse Aslan is a lion. Who didn't afraid lion? And if I will be Edmund and see White Witch I'm afraid becouse I afraid whitches...

 What 5 words (from this chapter) would you consider as important/ worth learning? PLEASE LEARN THOSE 5 WORDS.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You copy a lot of my sentences! How could you? I didn't expected it from you. I'm very sad that you didn't think how to write and copy me.. For example like :„ Edmund expected that the White Witch would start being nice to him, but she wasn't".„ Meanwhile the dwarf whipped up the reindeer, it was a terrible journey for Edmund, who had no coat, because it was very dark and cold and he would have given anything to meet the others at his moment - even Peter!" And so on..

    1. Thank you that you corrected your summary and didn't copy me again. ;)

  3. Where is your answer in the 11 Chapter 2 task and where your five words? You are late, because today is March 31st
